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Oklahoma police officer sent flying after traffic-stop crash

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol has released dramatic dashcam video showing a car crashing into a traffic stop, tossing a highway patrol officer onto the ground.

The footage also shows the aftermath of the crash, in which the vehicle rolls over after hitting the stopped car at a high rate of speed. The police department said trooper Jesse Gregory, the officer involved, is ‘expected to be okay’ along with two other drivers who have been released from hospital. 

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol shared a statement on Facebook as a warning to drivers: ‘We show this video as a graphic reminder of the consequences of distracted or impaired driving and the importance of the slow down, move over law. We are in the middle of a distracted driving emphasis right now in honour of Trooper Nicholas Dees, who lost his life in the line of duty after being struck by a distracted driver.’
